Historians believe that the goat first made its appearance on Gioura Island at the end of the Neolithic period. It was a domestic animal that was bought to the island, and was impossible to recapture on the rocky and mountainous terrain.

Domestic goats were again brought to the island during the Second World War and cross-breeding took place. This is why it now has such a variform appearance, although there are three distinct types. Most animals belong to the first type. They look similar to the wild goat of Crete and Asia Minor. They have a nut-brown body, light coloured belly, black-and-white patterns on their hindquarters and tail, and black lines on the front of their legs. In addition, males have a black mane, beard and chest, and usually a black ring around their neck. Their large horns, whose tips are sharp and far apart (a characteristic of the domestic goat), set the wild goat of Gioura apart from other goats. The second type is a black animal with long fur. The third type to be recorded includes a few white animals.

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