Handpainted Porcelain Lessons

The purpose of the basic course cycle is to teach the classic way of porcelain painting on top of the glazing. Its topics include:

-Short retrospective on the history of porcelain painting
-The colours and their categories
-Preparing, cleaning, and partitioning the object
-Special method of colour preparation
-Handling and cleaning the brushes
-The first strokes
-Small flowers
-Pen – special colour preparation
-Gold – platinum
-Programming and milestones in porcelain painting
-Straight borders – stripes
-Backgrounds (painted surfaces)
-Camaieu: depiction realized in a singular colour
-Transfers (decalques)
-Ο KILN – basic instructions for firing

The basic course cycle duration is three months, in twelve 3-hour courses, one per week. Courses can be arranged to be in the mornings or evenings. Maximum participation per cycle is 7 persons. At each cycle’s end, students get a certification of studies.

After graduation, the students can further their knowledge on porcelain painting by participating in various seminars on modern techniques and materials from all over the world.

Thus, graduates maintain an ongoing relationship among themselves and with their teacher. The above seminars and “open days”, on Wednesday afternoons, provide opportunities for discussion, exchange of ideas and advice on technical and artistic issues.

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