Samothraki Diving Centre

Day Trips

If you are a certified diver, we are expecting you to tour you around the beautiful underwater world of Samothraki.
Dive excursions are also available for snorkeling divers and non diving public.

Discovery scuba diving

This is for people who have never been diving before and do not have enough time to complete a full certification course, but they want to discover the exciting underwater wold.This programme initiates you to diving in a pleasant and exciting way.


Join our scuba diving cources and get the feeling of flying in a weightless environment with the colourful marine life around you.
Experienced instructors will train you and help you to enjoy the course.After the completion of the course you will receive a world wide recognised certification.

More info


Agistros, Samothraki



Lat:  40.46627833392597

Long:  25.6915283203125