

For the dough:

3 glasses of cretan olive oil
1 glass of sugar
1 glass of milk
1/2 of tsikoudia,
2 tsp. of ammonia
2 eggs
1/3 glass of “alousia” (we boil water with a spoon of ash and then we filter it)flour (for all uses) as much as it takes

For the filling:

½ glass of water
1 tsp. of nutmeg
1 kg of walnut and almond chest
1 glass of sugar
1 glass of honey
2 glasses of ground sesame


Knead a dough with the aforementioned ingredients. For the filling, first make a syrup with the water, sugar and honey and when it is ready stir in the remaining ingredients. Take a small piece of dough (the size of an apricot), make it round, open it slightly in the middle, fill it with a tbsp. of the filling and close it again. Bake them until they brown and when they have cooled sprinkle with finely ground sugar.

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