The Sarakatsans’ reunion.
Even 15 days before the great feast of July, the Sarakatsans start to gather at the forestry village of Elatia. Every day of this month is an occasion for feasting and enjoying a merry atmosphere. The elderly meet and the younger make new friends. Moreover, the Sarakatsans spit-roast lambs and perform traditional dances that are typical of the klephts.
However, the festivities culminate on the first Sunday after the feast of Prophitis Ilias on 20 July. A huge party is organised in honour of the Sarakatsans of all over Greece. According to tradition, a revival of the Gourbani habit is effected every year. The custom is connected with a vow that the Sarakatsans used to make to Prophitis Ilias. At their reunion, they fulfill it by slaughtering a lamb or a sheep, roasting it and eating it all together.
Elatia Dramas
Lat: 41.47977575214486
Long: 24.37591552734375