Second Best Hidden Museum of Europe is in Greece
One of the most relevant travel guides from Canada, FlightNetwork, has ranked the Museum of Archimedes in Ancient Olympia as the second best museum in a list including the best 10 hidden museums of Europe.
The museum, permanently hosted in the center of Ancient Olympia, displays some of the inventions designed by Archimedes, all of which have been recreated in the greatest possible detail.
The exhibition also includes photos and interesting audiovisual material. Many of the visits are interactive and offer a unique opportunity to understand how many of his inventions work.
As the museum webpage explains, Archimedes was a unique and tiptop genius who passed on to the global culture great theses in the fields of all the ancient sciences and most of all, he became the springboard for the development of the modern science through endless inventions.
Rich audiovisual material accompanies every exhibit (both in Greek and in English) together with labels, informative posters, detailed diagrams, photos and complete bibliographical references, while many of the exhibits are interactive.
To have a better idea of the exhibits being showcased, here is a video produced by the Museum regarding the Hydraulic Clock of Archimedes.
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